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Worship Participants

Acolytes carry the cross and torches (candles) in the procession and hold the book during the reading of the Gospel. Young people 10 and older are invited to help lead worship as acolytes.

Lectors come forward during the service to read scripture.

Ushers hand out worship bulletins, extend a warm welcome to all worshipers, and guide people to the altar rail for communion.

See all the ways you can serve here.

Coffee Hour Hosts

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Altar Flowers

The Altar Flowers can be given in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or in celebration of a special event. The names will be printed in the bulletin. The Flower Guild is happy to take requests for particular colors or flower choices.

After the flowers adorn the church on Sunday morning, the Flower Guild arranges them into smaller vases and delivers them to parish family members as expressions of thanks, condolence, celebration, welcome, or connection. Suggested donation is $40.