Adult Formation

We deepen our faith through reading, questioning, discussing, praying, and learning.

Lenten Programs

This season of Lent, we have two special offerings: In Our Holy Imagination: Seeing Jesus in Our Everyday World and Luke’s Gospel and the Great Reversal. All are welcome to join us!

In Our Holy Imagination:
Seeing Jesus in Our Everyday World

Sundays from 8:30-9:15am

March 2, 16, 23, 30

Join Andrew Wilkinson before worship for a creative, thought-provoking look at how we recognize Jesus in our daily lives. Through Scripture, discussion, and a little imagination, we’ll open our hearts to see Him more clearly in the world around us.

This is an interactive, uplifting time to reflect, share, and be encouraged. Whether you’re deeply rooted in faith or just curious, you are welcome!

8:30-8:45: Loaves and Fishes

In the spirit of Jesus feeding the 5,000, we’re sharing bagels and smoked salmon! So come hungry—physically and spiritually—and BYO coffee or drink to complete the experience.

8:45-9:15: Discussion


March 2

Encountering Jesus in Everyday Life.

Scripture: Luke 24:13-35 (Road to Emma

Many times, Jesus is walking beside us, but we don’t recognize Him. Just like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, we can be so caught up in our worries, routines, and distractions that we miss His presence in our daily lives. Help us open our eyes to see Jesus walking with us in our ordinary moments.

Luke’s Gospel and the Great Reversal

Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm

March 13-April 10 via Zoom, April 17 at church

This year’s Lenten Bible Study, led by Mike Minutello, will discuss the theme of the great reversal in Luke’s Gospel and its implications for modern Christian discipleship. We’ll pay particular attention to how the gospel portrays gender and class dynamics.

Find the Zoom link in the weekly email.

March 13

Luke 1:39-56. Mary Visits Elizabeth & Mary’s Song of Praise

March 20

Luke 6:17-36. Sermon on the Plain/Beatitudes

March 27

Luke 10: 25-37. Parable of the Good Samaritan

April 3

Luke 10: 38-42. Story of Mary & Martha

April 10

Luke 15: 11-32. Parable of the Prodigal Son

April 17

Luke 24: 13-35. Walk to Emmaus

Lunchtime Bible Study will return after Easter

Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00pm

We look at the coming Sunday’s Lectionary readings (you can find them here) and reflect on how God is speaking to us through them. Bring a bag lunch to enjoy while we talk. Come every week or stop in as you can. No preparation needed!