Adult Formation
We deepen our faith through reading, questioning, discussing, praying, and learning.
Lunchtime Bible Study
Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00pm
In our current program, we look at the coming Sunday’s Lectionary readings (you can find them here) and reflect on how God is speaking to us through them.
Bring a bag lunch to enjoy while we talk. Come every week or stop in as you can. No preparation needed!
Recent Programs
“The Path”
For 25 weeks on Wednesday mornings, we explored The Path: A Journey through the Bible by David Creech and Melody Wilson Shobe.
The book is a 360-degree overview of the path of God’s love all the way from the beginning to the end, from Adam’s creation to John’s revelation.
The Path: A Journey through the Bible, edited by an Episcopal priest, Melody Wilson Shobe and a theology professor, David Creech, features easily digestible “highlights” of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Some of the stories we read were quite familiar, others much less so. Who knew that Moses was a murderer? Think I’m pulling your leg? Check out Exodus 2:11-12.
In addition to filling in some gaps in our Biblical knowledge, this condensed version of the Bible provided a clear overview of the arc of the relationship between God and God’s people. One of the themes that emerged was God insistently and lovingly calling the people of Israel back into the fold after they repeatedly and invariably strayed.
We discussed how, even though the stories we read are thousands of years old, this pattern continues to this day. Being human, we will stray, but are safe in the knowledge that God will always call us back.
Perhaps the most rewarding part of this Bible study was telling and hearing each other’s stories. Every week, we discussed how each of us understood the Biblical passages that we read and how these ancient writings were relevant to our lives today. It was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level; how we each thought, what things were most important to us, and what were the joys and struggles in our lives.
Tim Davis
The Gospel of Mark
During Lent, Rev. Lynn and Mike Minutello led a study reading passages from Mark’s Gospel that discuss the meaning of Christian discipleship for the earliest Christians and explored discipleship in our modern context. Mike provided an overview of the historical context of Mark’s Gospel. Most meetings were held on Zoom, but the group met for a simple soup supper on Maundy Thursday before the worship service.