Join Us for

Advent and Christmas

Worship & Events

  • Holy Eucharist: Advent 1

    Sunday, December 1, 9:30am

    We celebrate the first Sunday of Advent with a service of Holy Eucharist. Join us in person or online.

  • Wreathmaking

    Sunday, December 1, 10:30am

    If you have fresh-cut evergreens to share, please drop them in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 30.

    All materials will be provided, and we'll have devotions for lighting each candle at home during the Advent season. You can delve deeper into the meaning and history of the Advent wreath here.

  • Holy Eucharist: Advent 2

    Sunday, December 8, 9:30am

    We celebrate the second Sunday of Advent with a service of Holy Eucharist. Join us in person or online.

  • Advent Lessons and Carols: Advent 3

    Sunday, December 15, 9:30am

    On the third Sunday of Advent, we prepare for the arrival of Jesus with scripture and hymns.

  • Advent Brunch

    Sunday, December 15, 10:30am

    We’ll celebrate our Feast of Title after worship. We’ll enjoy strata and baked French toast along with juice and fruit salad. Sign up to help set up/clean up and bring food.

  • Greening of the Church

    December 21, 10:00am

    All are welcome to bring evergreens and/or help decorate the church for Christmas! We’ll begin around 9:30am; you can drop off greens before.

  • Holy Eucharist: Advent 4

    Sunday, December 22, 9:30am

    We celebrate a service of Holy Eucharist on the last Sunday of Advent.

  • Christmas Eve Family Holy Eucharist

    December 24, 4:00pm

    Join us for our family-friendly service of Holy Eucharist as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • Christmas Eve Festive Holy Eucharist

    December 24, 6:30pm

    Join us for a Festive Holy Eucharist as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We’ll continue the beloved tradition of singing “Silent Night” by candlelight.

  • Christmas Lessons and Carols

    Sunday, December 29, 9:30am

    We celebrate Jesus’ birth in a beautiful service of scripture and beloved carols.